
Hello from Primary 3 Red!

Welcome back everybody! Primary 3 Red have had a very busy few weeks and have been learning lots of fun and exciting things!



We have been busy consolidating some of the sounds we have learnt during Primary 2! We have two weeks of consolidation left before we begin learning new Primary 3 phonemes.


We have been focusing on adding lots of description to our writing by using adjectives. We were contacted by Pirate Sam of the Big Writing Agency. She needed our help to write pirate descriptions. We wrote fantastic pirate descriptions using lots of adjectives to describe our pirates. We are now Big Writing Agents! Our next mission will be to write a pirate poem. We will also be learning about the features of reports whilst creating our own reports about the life of a pirate.



We have been learning about numbers to 1000 and can identify a number in terms of place value. We have also been building on our current knowledge of direction and position looking at compass points and co-ordinates. We have learnt how to use co-ordinates to locate a position within a grid. We are currently looking at the four points of a compass.

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In mental maths, we have been learning about odd and even numbers and are currently doubling and halving numbers to 20.


Topic: Our topic is Pirates! We have been learning how to use an atlas to locate continents and oceans. We can name different parts of a pirate ship and know what life was like as a pirate.


In the next two weeks, we will be learning about some famous pirates such as Blackbeard, William Kidd and Anne Bonny.

Pirate Facts This website is child friendly and has plenty of fun facts about Pirates, Pirate jokes and the Pirate Code – ARR!


We have been learning about materials. We learnt about atoms and sorted items into solids and liquids. We enjoyed exploring the properties of ‘goop’ which we made using cornflour and water.


We also looked at the properties of different materials. We made rafts and then tested to see if they were waterproof.


We enjoyed visiting Aberdeen Sports Village where we took part in a FunFit session run by Active Schools. We learnt what happens to our body before and after exercise.

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We have gym on Monday afternoons with Mrs Armstrong. Please remember to bring gym kit. This should include a pair of shorts, a white t shirt and gym shoes. Please write your child’s name on all clothes items as well as packed lunch and snack boxes. This helps us to easily identify missing items!

We are really lucky to have art lessons with Mrs Croxon as we always get to explore using different media and experiment with different materials. Please can you bring in an apron or old t.shirt to cover up school uniform. This protects t.shirts and jumpers when doing messy jobs such as painting or pastels.

Thank you for all your support. It has been a busy few weeks!

Miss Webb and Primary 3 Red