
P7 Buskers!

Welcome to P7! We had a great time on 5th October when we turned the playground into a street party and busked all lunchtime to raise funds for SCIAF. SCIAF is a charity that helps those in need in places such as Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Keeping everything going smoothly.
Keeping everything going smoothly.



Stop, Press!
Stop, Press!
Outdoor concert!



A few weeks ago we were visited by Gemma from SCIAF and she introduced to us our new project named ‘Talented Fundraisers’. We reflected on the parable of the talents and now we are using this as a context to learn:

  1. About the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 19:12-28) and how I can use my gifts and talents to serve God and others.
  2. How to work in a team and recognise the importance of different job roles in an enterprise business.
  3. About budgeting, profit and loss, purchasing and selling goods.
  4. About the process of taking ideas through to an end product.
  5. About my responsibility to respond to those in need around the world.

As a class we were tasked with coming up with an enterprising way to take the £50 that Gemma and SCIAF gave us and turn it into much more. Once we thought of busking we couldn’t wait to get started. We promoted our busking through poster making, visiting classrooms and talking at assembly. We asked everyone in the school to bring their ‘change’ to make ‘change’.


Happy footballers
Playing all the disney classics on request!


Every busker needs their busking licence.
Every busker needs their busking licence.
Security keeping a close eye.
Security keeping a close eye.





Using our entertaining talents we put on quite a show with instruments such as euphonium, guitar, cornet, saxophone, drums and clarinet filling the playground with music. We also had magicians, singers, mime artists, caricaturists and street footballers busking for change. It was a great day. From loose change we managed to raise £111.89, a fantastic sum of money. We are planning to use some of the £50 from SCIAF to help fund our next enterprising project after the October break.

Thanks to everyone for your generosity.

The P7 Buskers!

Security making sure everything is up to scratch!
Acoustic sounds
Happy with his performance!
Popular act!


A successful day!