
Rights Respecting Schools

Our Rights Respecting Schools steering group have been doing great work. We have been looking at our rights and have translated some of them into Polish.

We have also been engaging with some of the wonderful UNICEF resources that our school have acquired such as our pocket books of children’s rights, rights cards and wants and needs cards.

At a meeting before Christmas, the Rights Respecting Schools committee raised interest in having their own badges. Today we chose our badges which is exciting. Each member of the committee will be given a badge to represent their commitment to sharing the Rights Respecting ethos in our school!

We also spent some time exploring article 31 “Every child has the right to play and rest”. We discussed this and how this is promoted in our school. The boys and girls also went to the playground to get some snapshots of the children playing nicely. In response to suggestions risen by children at pupil council sessions, the children have some lovely sand to play with in the playground.

Moving forward, the pupils in the committee would like to have a chance to tell our school about what they are doing at assembly. We hope to focus on article 28 in our next meeting.

Article 28

“Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free. Secondary education must be available for every child. Discipline in school must respect children’s dignity. Richer countries must help poorer countries to achieve this.”