
January News from P3 Blue

Primary three blue have started back at school with flying colours. We have been very busy over the last three weeks.

In our phonics lessons, we have been learning about the sounds ch as in chorus and se as in cheese. Over the next few weeks, we will be learning the sounds c as in city, ea as in break, ou as in would and ey as in money.
The children are continuing with various active spelling tasks to help them to learn how to spell new words.
In Grammar, we have been learning how to use commas to separate items in a list.


We have started this term with a unit of maths on shape. We started learning about the properties of 2D shapes. This week we have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes. We have been learning to use the terms faces, edges and vertices to describe a range of 3D shapes. Next week we will be looking at patterns and shapes that tessellate. We will also be learning about symmetry in this unit.



We are really enjoying our P.E lessons. We are learning some ceilidh dances. On Mondays, we have been very good role models and have been helping the children in Primary 1 to learn to dance. On Wednesdays, we have been learning some really tricky dances, such as the Dashing White Sergeant and Strip the Willow, with the P6 children.



We have started a very exciting project on Communication. We started to think about the different types of communication that we know about. We came up with lots of different ways to communicate with one another. We learned about the history of communication, starting with the Egyptians and going right to the invention of the internet. This week we have been learning about the famous Scottish inventor Alexander Graham Bell. We learned about his life and his important invention, the telephone. We looked at the differences between old telephones and new smartphones and were amazed at how much the telephone has changed over time.
Next week we will be learning about another famous Scottish inventor, John Logie Baird.
During this topic we will also be learning about how our ear works to help us to hear sounds and how people communicate using sign language and Braille. We will also be learning to communicate with one another using modern technology by filming Scottish weather forecasts to share with other classes in the school.


We learned about the famous American artist, Andy Warhol. We looked at his “Pop art” and learned that he made art out of ordinary objects. We then created our own “Pop art” pictures of telephones.

Thank you for providing gym kit each week for your child.
Homework will continue to be handed out on a Wednesday and due in on a Monday.

Thank you
Miss MacDonald