
Term 4 Learning in P6


After Easter, we got to know our new table teams. As well as creating team names, cheers and flags we also created a village with a theme. The theme we focused on was emotions. Each village was to be based on one emotion; we had villages such as “Shyberdeen”, “Excitedville” and “Lazyville”. We worked as a group to create a piece of writing where we focused on developing a sense of feeling in our writing. We were very creative in our drawing and writing pieces. We should be very proud of the work we produced.

In reading we completed our First Minister’s Reading Challenge where we took up the “Personal Reading Journey Challenge”. Winners will be announced on June 14th and we are hoping we are in with a chance. Many of us have been reading more books than usual and we have read a wider variety of books. This has been improving our reading comprehension skills. As a class we have read over 470 books since August 2016 which is fantastic! Keep it up Primary 6!

On May 8th we visited Tillydrone Library to see what they have to offer and to share our Reading Challenge experiences. We also had the opportunity to take up a book hunt to help us explore and get to know our local library. Many of us left wanting to join and visit again. Thank you to Louise and Tracy for making us so welcome and to our parent helpers for their support.

In our Reflective Reading sessions, we have been visualising the characters and setting of our class novel “Holes”, demonstrating inference skills in the process.

Health and Wellbeing

Since April, we have had students from Robert Gordon University coming in to teach us sports such as hockey, basketball and rugby. We have been focusing on our tackling skills, our control, communication and team work skills.

We have continued working on becoming a class of bucket fillers. We created our own “bucket” and shared with our Home Team Mates what “fills” our bucket. This has also given us chance to think of the use of metaphors whilst exploring self-esteem.


In Maths we have been learning how to work within a budget, how to read a bank statement and how to save money. This has helped us to consolidate our knowledge of place value. We produced some brilliant saving posters as homework.

We are expanding our knowledge of number to include negative numbers. This is linking very well with our weather topic and money as we think of words such as “overdrawn”.


We have started exploring the Islamic Community’s beliefs where we have been looking at some rituals and artefacts. We also visited the local Mosque where we were able to ask lots of questions. We enjoyed trying on headscarves, learning about the 5 pillars of Islam and exploring the library. Thank you to our parent helpers for making this possible.

Topic/ Science

In our weather topic, we have been exploring wind, where it comes from and how it changes in power. We have also been looking at hurricanes and tornadoes as requested by pupils on our “what we want to know” board. We created anemometers and wind socks to help us to measure wind speed and direction. This helped us to apply our knowledge of directions. We also learned that lightning is static electricity and some of us attempted an experiment at creating our own lightning using a balloon and spoon.
On 18th May we visited the University of Aberdeen for a series of lectures organised by the Hydrographic Society. We learned what hydrography is and we saw some of the specialist equipment that surveyors use such as the Trimble TX8. We learned what it is like to be a surveyor as a possible career path in the future. We asked lots of brilliant questions and received prizes for this. Well done to our class team who entered the poster competition. We were proud to see our work on display. Max also competed head to head against Heathryburn in an ROV challenge. Max was a great sport and the class were great cheerers! Thank you to all our parent helpers for making the trip such a success.