Parent Council News November 2017
15th November 2017
The Parent Council had a meeting yesterday with many parents in attendance, as well as two local councillors and the Catholic church representative. We discussed the recommendation and proposal going to the Education and Children’s Services committee on Thursday 16 November at 1pm. Parents are welcome to attend this meeting if they wish. The school and Parent Council will keep our parent community informed on all developments following the meeting on Thursday, so do watch this space and check the school website for updates.
We discussed having a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 9th December from 2pm – 4pm in the gym hall. In order to run an event like this we need lots of volunteers, so please let one of the Parent Council know if you are willing to help out in any way. We need:
- people to help set up Friday 8th December after 4.30pm
- people to help run stalls at the event
- people to help clean up after the event on Saturday
- donations of homebaking, items for tombola, ideas for games, bric-a-brac and more
Please get in touch soon if you can help, so that we can make this a great event. The Christmas Fayre always raises quite a bit of much needed funds for the Parent Council, so we do hope to go ahead with it this year.
Thanks again for all your support. We will update again soon, and advise as soon as possible on the date of the next Parent Council meeting in the new year.”