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December in P1 blue.

The children have really been enjoying the recent wintry weather. They made good use of our all weather suits to have some special play time in the school garden.


We enjoyed learning about the different states that water comes in. We learned that when water gets really cold it turns to ice. Miss MacDonald filled a flask with very hot water to show what water does when it is really hot. When Miss MacDonald poured the hot water onto the snow we saw lots and lots of white steam!

The children enjoyed making snowballs and we all followed our school rule and did not throw any of them. We want to look after each other and keep everyone safe. Well done P1 !

While in the garden, one of the children made a really big snowball. We decided to see what would happen if we took the snowball into the classroom. We checked the snowball after lunch, and again at the end of the day. We were surprised by how fast the snowball was melting and turning into water. The next day the snowball had completely disappeared!


The children did a fantastic job during the performances of the school Nativity play. They were beautiful angels and sang their hearts out.

A huge thank you to all the parents who came in as part of our Bookbug celebrations. It was lovely to see you all and the children enjoyed sharing their learning with you all. I hope that you have been enjoying reading the books at home. Last week the children voted for their favourite book. “Gorilla loves Vanilla” was voted as the P1 blue favourite book.





In our R.E lessons we are learning about the Christmas story. The children enjoyed setting up our Advent altar and we had a fantastic discussion about the different Nativity characters.

As part of our “People who help us” project, we are going to be learning how posties – the men and women who deliver our letters –  help us. On Friday we set up a post office in our house corner. The children are enjoying writing and sending letters to one another.


In maths, the children have been developing their subtraction skills. Next week the children will be learning about symmetry as part of their maths lessons.

This week and next the children are consolidating their knowledge of the 18 sounds that we have learned. The children are learning to blend these sounds together into words.


Thank you to everyone who has signed up for Marvellous Me. It is a fantastic tool to enable me to send photographs and messages about your child’s learning. If you require a code to sign up for Marvellous Me, please let me know.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support that you have given me since August. It is a delight and a privilege to work with your children each day and it had been fantastic to see them grow and develop in their learning so far this year.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a restful New Year.

Miss MacDonald.