Scottish National Standardised Assessments
From August 2017, new, national standardised assessments will be
introduced in all schools in Scotland. These assessments will provide
an additional source of nationally consistent evidence for teachers to
use when assessing children’s progress.
Every child in P1, P4, P7 and S3 will undertake national standardised
assessments covering some aspects of reading, writing and working
with numbers.
- Assessments will be completed online and will be automatically
marked by the online system, giving teachers immediate feedback
to help children progress. - The assessments will be used to help teachers understand how well
your child is progressing with his or her learning and to plan next
steps. There will be no pass or fail. - The system will be designed so that if a child is struggling with
the questions they will get easier, and if a child is doing well the
questions will become more challenging. - The standardised assessments will be as short as possible and will
be age and stage appropriate. A time limit of 50 minutes for each
assessment has been set. This is an absolute maximum, to ensure
that no child feels an unnecessary time pressure when undertaking
the assessments. We do not expect the majority of children to require
the full 50 minutes. - Your child will not be expected to take assessments covering reading,
writing and working with numbers in one sitting. - There will be no set day or period of time during which the
national standardised assessments must be taken. Individual
teachers and schools will decide the most appropriate time during
the school year for your child to take the national standardised
assessments. - The assessments will, as far as possible, accommodate the needs
of children who require additional support.
You can read more information here – Assessing Children’s Progress – a guide for parents and carers