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P6/7 Blue February news

We are half way through term 3 already and the school year is just flying by!!!

In literacy this term we have been exploring different genres of writing such as Scottish myths, creative writing and recounts. We have become professionals at including descriptive language, similes, metaphors and alliteration in our own writing. We have continued to develop our grammar and comprehension skills weekly through various tasks and activities such as reciprocal reading, and reflective reading. We take on different roles in our groups such as summariser, feeling finder and link maker, to name a few. We have begun our class novel, ‘Wonder’. We complete various activities on ‘Wonder’ to explore the text, both independently and co-operatively, and to develop a deeper understanding of the book. This book creates a lot of interesting discussion about how it’s OK to be different and how we shouldn’t judge people on how they look or how they act. P6/7 Blue are developing their empathy towards others and acceptance of themselves….perfect, just the way they are.

In Numeracy we have completed various activities investigating angles and bearings. We have been developing our knowledge of Money, by exploring budgeting, profit and loss, currency conversion and bank accounts. We completed a group budgeting project on planning holidays to various places. In this project we used the four operations and incorporated our knowledge of decimals and percentages. I think we were all surprised at the total cost of holidays around the world!! We will be going on to explore data analysis in Maths and continuing to develop mental maths strategies.


This term in Science, we have been learning about electricity and micro-organisms. We created our own batteries out of coins and explored various types of electric energy. We used the process of fermentation to activate microbes to blow up balloons. We are currently exploring variations of micro-organisms and the positives and negatives of these and their uses in our lives.



In PE we have been learning some Gaelic football skills with Miss Alford. We are improving our co-ordination through learning the hand pass technique and we completed some different drills to get more experience of this move in Gaelic football. We worked in partners to run around the hall and catch the ball from our partners. With Mrs Armstrong, we practised our Scottish Ceilidh dancing. We were paired with P1 Blue and used our knowledge to teach the younger children. We did a great job and put on a stellar performance for parents. We have started gymnastics and will continue this with Miss Alford for the next couple of weeks.


In Topic we have been learning about Scottish writers. We learnt a poem, ‘To a Louse’, by the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns and showcased our tremendous work at assembly to our peers and parents.We are now learning about the Jacobites. We will have the opportunity to investigate why the Jacobite uprisings occurred, timelines of events and why the Jacobites were defeated. We will be completing various practical activities creating objects from the eighteenth century.

We have been working with Mr Horton learning songs for confirmation, and recently P7’s attended Candlemas in St Mary’s Cathedral. Two of our own pupils performed solos beautifully at this Mass.