P4 2018Uncategorized

P4 News

Welcome to P4. We have been extremely busy this month and have lots to fill you in about.

Rotary Shoebox Project

Thank you to all the families and entire school community for supporting us with our project to fill shoeboxes full of essential items for those in need of them in Ukraine. We filled 30 boxes and had many large bags extra which could have easily filled another 100 boxes! Luckily we were able to send everything away and we are delighted that all of our items will be used by boys and girls in Ukraine. Our topic has been ‘Our Caring World’ and ‘Our Creative World’ and we certainly showed how caring and creative we can be by sending all these wonderful items to Ukraine and our creativity allowed us to make the boxes from the net of a cuboid and then decorate them so they looked fantastic! Well done P4.



We have been working hard in our Money topic this term. We have learned about budgeting, different ways people save money and also coin recognition when receiving change. We have been taking part in a mix between maths games where the children have learned through play, co-operative learning and textbook work. We also use Education City to complete work assigned to each child. Please support your child’s learning by helping them through Money at home. Using real life methods is a really effective way for children to contextualise their learning. They could pay for the shopping at the till or budget their pocket money!



We are great readers in P4 and have started using the Accelerated Reader programme to read through books of different genres that are suited to our level. We also take part in shared and paired reading. This enables us to learn new and exciting words and also helps with pronunciation. In P4 we follow the Active Spelling curriculum where we learn by doing activities, working together and also working interactively. It’s great to see the children progressing so well through this. We have recently been doing imaginative writing and have just completed a letter to our favourite character in ‘Peter Rabbit’. We loved going to see the film at  the cinema with P1-P5/6.


Health and Wellbeing

We love being part of a health promoting school and we are reminded of this every snacktime when we eat our fruit and vegetables. Our swimming lessons are starting back again on November 20th, this time at Tullos Primary School. Please complete and return swimming forms as soon as possible please. P4 are lucky to receive P.E slots with Mr. McFadden and Mrs. Armstrong every week too. We are definitely meeting our two hours of physical activity per week! In class we also look at the different strands of health and wellbeing within our SHANARRI wheel. At the moment we are concentrating on ‘R’ which stands for ‘Responsible’.



We have enjoyed working through Our Caring World and Our Creative World. Under these two headings we have been particularly focused on ‘Our Community’. This has helped us to create great homework, take part in exciting class work and work through the different areas of the curriculum within the context of ‘Our Community’. Parents’ are welcome in for our Open Afternoon on Friday 23rd November to allow the children to showcase some of this great learning.