
P5 June News

Over the last month P5 have been really busy! We had a very successful Health Week where we engaged in lots of learning about food and health, physical health and mental health. The class loved playing cricket and want to play more often! We had prepared for Sports Day and luckily the sun shone for us! Our favourite race was the horse and jockey.


In class we learned about food labelling. We worked together co-operatively to join the aspects of labelling to their definitions. We found out that adding nutritional value to all packaged food is a legal requirement. We were shocked by some sugar content in some foods.

Mrs Van der Plas helped us think about our spiritual health and we spent some time thinking about what we are grateful for and the things that make us unique.

We have celebrated the First Minister’s Reading Challenge today. We talked about our favourite books.


We are preparing for our Open Classroom at the moment and we are thinking about all the areas of learning. We have made displays to show all the learning we have enjoyed and what we found interesting. We are looking forward to sharing our learning with parents next week.