School Lunches

School Lunch Menu

Thank you to Christine and team at Seaton School Kitchen for preparing our lunches and to Noor, Carmen and Sandra for serving our lunches every day. Thanks to parents for adapting to the new way of paying for lunches and to all our children for learning the new system so well.

Please note that the options below are slightly different from those published on the city menu as it is the end of term and the Thursday and  Friday options have been swapped!

This is the Aberdeen City current menu cycle. Primary School Meals Menu Summer-Autumn 2018

Week 3 menu – 2nd July and weeks beginning 3rd September and 24th September

Monday 2nd July
  • Egg Mayonnaise Sandwiches ✔
    with Salad Bar Accompaniments
  • Freshly Made Chilli Wedge Bake
  • Oven Baked Salmon Nuggets
    with Pasta Twists, Baked Beans, Veg Medley
  • Rice Pudding & Peaches
Tuesday 3rd July
  • Tuna Mayonnaise Sandwiches with Salad Bar Accompaniments
  • Red Tractor Roast Chicken Fillet with Mealie
  • Quorn Toad in the Hole ✔
    with Roast Potatoes, Carrots, Diced Cucumber & Tomato
  • Homemade Tiffin
Wednesday 4th July
  • Scottish Beef Steak Casserole
  • Freshly Baked Chicken & Cheese Enchilada
  • Creamy Vegetable Vol-au-Vent ✔
    with Mashed Potato, Peas, Sweetcorn
  • * Cranachan Cupcake*
Thursday 5th July
  • Cold Roast Pork Sandwiches with Salad Bar Accompaniments
  • Homemade Chicken Pie
  • 4 Cheese Ravioli with Tomato Sauce ✔
    with Potato Croquettes, Broccoli, Beetroot
  • Meringue and Seasonal Fruit
Friday 6th July
  • Freshly Made Italian Beef
  • British Crispy Crumb Turkey Burger
  • Singapore Noodles ✔
    with Garlic Bread, Coleslaw, Mixed Veg
  • Freshly Prepared Fruit Cheesecake