P5 2019

Term 1 News – Primary 5

As Term 1 comes to an end, here is a look back at just some of the learning that has gone on in Primary 5 over the last few weeks.

Macmillan coffee morning

The boys and girls enjoyed their tasty treats and home bakes to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you for your generosity.


We were delighted to be able to attend Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral to celebrate the relics of Thérèse of Lisieux visiting Aberdeen. Other children from St Joseph’s and Holy Family also attended. We wrote some beautiful petitions, asking St Thérèse to help us.


We also celebrated Mass in school to celebrate the feast day of St Francis of Assisi. After learning about his life and his love for living things, Primary 5 wrote their own pledges to try and make the world a better place. These were brought to the altar during the Offertory and they are now on display in the foyer of the main building.

Mrs Van der Plas came back to visit Primary 5 to teach the children some stories from the Old Testament. We had great fun, taking part in a range of different activities.


Health and wellbeing

We had great fun trying out some very unusual bikes in the playground!


The boys and girls have been going to the Sports Village to attend swimming lessons. These lessons will continue after the holidays.


We are delighted to welcome Maia to our class to deliver Mandarin lessons! It has been great fun recapping on our previous learning and we look forward to learning lots of new vocabulary.