P4 2020-2021Uncategorized

Laudato Si

We mentioned in our previous posts that our topic this term is Laudato Si- caring for our common home. As part of the project we started looking after our school garden. We share our responsibilities with P4/5 class and P5/6. Our first task was to start tidying the garden. We had lots of equipment with us, as it was not an easy job. We started off with litter picking and putting it in the black bags. We also removed all the weeds and put them in a recycling bin.

As you can see in the photos everyone was extremely busy.

The best part of out visit to the garden was meeting all the creatures that live there. Do not worry, we made sure they were put in a nice, safe place.

We can’t wait to see what our garden will look like when all the work is finished. We do realize however that we have a lot of work ahead of us. More updates to follow shortly.