P1R 2021-2022

Welcome to P1R 2021/22

Well done to all the children for settling into life in St Peters so well over the first few weeks. We are now in school full days and have been enjoying our learning across all areas of the curriculum. Here are some photos of what we have been getting up to in school and some information on what we will be learning this term.

This term we are learning to form our numbers correctly, order numbers and count forwards and backwards to 20 or above. We will be using lots of different resources, songs and games to do this. Here are some photos of Maths activities we have enjoyed so far this term.

In Literacy we have been enjoying stories and tasks based on the stories for example we read There is a Monster in my book and drew our own colourful monsters, Hamiltons Hats and we designed our own hat. We have also been playing “I spy with my little eye something beginning with…”. We will soon start our new phonics programme in P1 called Read Write Inc where we will be learning the letters and sounds and how to blend them to make words. We have got Fred Frog to help us with this. We will keep you updated with this and share what we have been learning at school with you to try at home too.

In Topic this term we are learning about people who help us including people at home, at school and in the community. So far we have spoken about our families, had a visit from Mrs Bain who told us a little about her job as Depute Head Teacher and we have also learned a little about the role of a police officer and we made some police cars and people. We also shared our aspirations for the future and talked about what we would like to be when we grow up.

We have also enjoyed PE lessons in the gym hall, RADS (football) sessions outside, RE learning about Mary’s birthday and also starting to learn the prayers we say throughout the day at St Peters. We have had a lovely singing teacher each Thursday afternoon and are learning some fun songs with her which is good fun!

We have some exciting events coming up such as:

Macmillan Coffee Tea party in our classroom on Thursday 23rd Sept- Non-uniform day and children can take a donation of £1 for Macmillan Cancer Support, we will bake and have a tea party within our class on the day.

Tuesday 28th Sept- P1R class photo

28th-30th Spetember is Maths Week where we will take part in lots of Maths activities around the school.

Check back again soon for more P1R updates.

Miss Rynne