P4 2021-2022

P4 February Update


In February P4 is learning about 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. We will also learn about tassellation and symmetry.


During literacy lessons we are reading our class novel ‘How to Train your Dragon’. We are learning to improve our reflective reading strategies through reflecting more deeply on the content of the written texts.


During our topic this term, ‘ Our Historical Scotland’, we are learning about the Vikings. We will be looking at Vikings’ culture, traditions and the way of living. So far we have discovered where the Vikings came from and the reasons for their overseas quests. We also had a look at Norse alphabet and used it to prepare runestones with our names.


During RE lessons we are continuing our preparation for Reconciliation and the First Communion. We are learning prayers and discussing the meaning of different stories from the Bible.


In class we have been looking at the importance of physical education. We made our weekly planners with all the exercices we do during the week. Our next step is to try and analyse our weekly routines to make sure we find enough time for exercises everyday. Working in teams we will also try and design different kinds of indoor and outdoor games.