P1M 2021-2022

P1M February news.


We were very excited to start reading in February. Some of us go to Miss Rynne’s P1 class and some of us stay with Miss MacDonald for our reading. We have been working very hard in our daily reading lessons and we are very proud of how well we are progressing in reading.

We have been learning to tell the time. We are able to use digital and analogue clocks to read, and convert, o’clock times.
We have also been learning the order of the days of the week and months of the year.

We have started to learn about money. This week we have been learning to identify coins. We have had fun playing games on the computer and sorting coins to show our learning. We will be moving on to add coins together and then to work out change.

We have started to learn about some of the stories and miracles of Jesus. We learned about the parable of the Good Samaritan, we had lots of fun acting out the story. We showed our writing skills through drawing a picture and writing about what happened in the parable.

Topic – Our Historical World.
P1 are learning about Old Aberdeen. We had a fantastic trip to St Machar’s cathedral last week. We loved seeing the stained glass windows and created our own for the classroom window when we came back to school.

There are 48 shields on the ceiling of the cathedral, with Mrs Binkowicz we created our own shields, our shields were entered into a competition at the cathedral.

This week we were learning about the differences between the roads in Old Aberdeen compared to the rest of Aberdeen. Due to the weather we have not yet been on a walk around Old Aberdeen, so instead we took the trip on the interactive whiteboard using Google streetview. We learned that the roads are made up of lots of bricks called “cobbles”, we created our own cobbled road using paint and lego bricks. Next we are going to add houses from Old Aberdeen to the road and compare these houses to newer ones.

Chinese New Year.
We have loved learning about Chinese New Year. We developed our fine motor skills through learning how to pick up noodles with chopsticks. We learned about traditional Chinese clothes and had fun trying some on.

We had a visit from a Chinese dancer. We loved trying out the dancing in our P.E lesson.