P7 2022-2023

P7: Term 3 what we are learning

Welcome back to Term 3. Here is a snapshot of some of things we will be learning this term.


We will continue our regular spelling, handwriting, grammar and talking and listening lessons. This term, we are starting our class novel “The boy who harnessed the wind”. This will be the foundations of our reflective reading lessons looking at reading strategies such as prediction, summarizing, visualization, inference and building on our tools for writing.


Within our daily maths lessons we will be learning about fractions, decimals and percentages. We will continue to consolidate our mental maths and problem solving skills.


This term our context for learning is our Global world. For January, we will be focusing on Scotland. We will explore the Scots language, learning more about famous Scottish landmarks, some Scottish food tasting and taking part in the whole school Burns competition. We will also be participating in a whole school Ceilidh and our active adventure day will be Highland games themed.


Preparations for the sacrament of Confirmation will start this term. Each pupil receiving the sacrament will receive a workbook which we will work through in class.


Dates will be finalized and shared soon regarding a P7 parents meeting providing information on Tomintual residential trip, God’s loving plan and transitions to the academy.