Pupil Council Update – February 2023
February 2023
We have a pupil council representative from every class. Each Pupil Council member was elected by their peers to represent their pupil voices – thoughts, suggestions, requests etc.
Regular meetings have taken place over this academic year, which has given our pupil council representatives opportunities to discuss and relay back any news, suggestions and ideas!
Our Pupil Council reps are focussing on establishing strong relationships between pupils, staff and our community. We have put together a questionnaire for visitors asking about the ethos and culture they experience when in our school. This questionnaire is available in paper or via a QR code in the school office!
Next Steps – Our pupil council members will be developing a pupil survey to find out how people feel about the relationships in our school (Google Form). As a group, we will evaluate the survey responses, sharing them with all staff members and pupils at assembly.
We also plan to learn more about how positive relationships are promoted and ensured in the classroom. We will do this by looking at classroom charters, our school values and asking pupils for examples of how they are encouraged and supported in class.