P1/2 2022-2023

Term 4 in P1/2

We have had a fantastic term in P1/2 and can’t believe that it is almost the school holidays and we are nearly ready to move to our new P2/3 teacher.


We have worked hard to develop our writing this term. We first had a block learning to extend our level of detail in imaginative writing, especially through describing a scene. We did lots of writing linked to our history IDL topic of Dinosaurs.
We then moved on to use our learning about Dinosaurs to learn to write newspaper reports.

We have been continuing our daily reading sessions and have made a lot of progress with our reading this year.

We first started the term with a block of learning about subtraction. P1 were learning to use materials to subtract within 10. P2 learned to use tens and units to subtract numbers within 100.
P1 then moved on to revise their knowledge of numbers within 20. P2 learned to multiply and divide through making groups of objects.

Both P1 and P2 also learned about measurement and fractions this term.

For our first IDL topic this year we took a “Trip in a time machine”. P1/2 decided to visit the land of the Dinosaurs for their history context. We had lots of fun learning about when the dinosaurs lived. Where in the world they have been found, what they ate and how they died. Each of our classroom tables was named after a specific dinosaur and every week we took turns in learning about one of these dinosaurs.
At the end of the topic we opened our museum to the parents. It was lovely to see so many parents in the classroom, and the children did an amazing job of giving guided tours through the museum.
We had an amazing time performing in the “Through the decades” school show. Our class had the 1990’s, we did an excellent job of singing and dancing to two 90’s classic songs; “Ce la Vie” by B*Witched and “Stop” by the Spice girls.

Our second IDL context this year was “A Great adventure”. We thought carefully about what we would need to take with us on an adventure. We enjoyed a special great adventure in the garden, building dens with Miss MacDonald and making smores with Mr Sturrock. We planned a teddy bear’s picnic for our second great adventure. Unfortunately it was raining on the day and so we couldn’t go to the park, but we enjoyed a super picnic in the classroom with our parents instead.

We enjoyed sports day this term too. We loved going to the Sports Village and participating on the track and field.

Take a look at photos of our learning this term.


hope that everyone has a fantastic summer holidays. It has been a joy to teach the children this last year.
Miss MacDonald