P3/4 2023-2024

Welcome to term 2 in P3/4

‘Inventors and Inventions’.

Till the 16th November we will be working in classess on IDL ‘Inventors and Inventions’.


We will continue working on designing our inventions. We will work in groups to describe them, draw them and create them.

On 10th November we will present one of our inventions at ‘St Peter’s Den’ event.

On 14th November we will invite our parents to our class to present all of the inventions we made and discuss how they work.


In writing we will create instructions using technologies. We will prepare slides to describe how to use our own inventions. We will also write imaginative stories about the world with no means of transport and how our characters would travel and what their destinations would be.


We will work on times tables and fractions. It is very important to know times tables before woring on fractions. Therefore we will start by revising 2,5 and 10 times tables. We will also start learning 4 and 3 times tables. When learning about fractions we will look at 1/2 and 1/4. We will try to find fractions of objects, shapes and quantities.


We will continue revising prayers and learning about different stories from the Bible. We will also discuss the meaning of All Saints and All Souls days.


We will continue learning about football and developing our football skills during RADS sessions on Mondays. On Thursdays during our PE lessons we will be developing our stamina and flexibility during different circuits activities.

St Peter’s Arts Festival

From 20th November to 22nd of December we will work on new IDL called ‘St Peter’s Arts Festival’.


During this part of term 2 we will be preparing for Christmas. We will:

  • work on preparing Nativity for the whole school and all the parents,
  • learn our roles and the songs
  • prepare costumes, props and the stage for the nativity
  • take part in Christmas fayre and prepare products for sale
  • discuss the meaning of the Christmas Story
  • take part in the Advent Carol Service at King’s College Chapel on Wednesday 20th December
  • create a short musical performance


During literacy lessons we will continue working on our phonics and spelling words. During reading lessons we will work on both fiction and non-fiction books. This term we will also look at writing different genres such as Christmas poems and posters and invitations for the Chrismas fayre and the nativity. We will try to create some of them using technologies.


During numeracy lessons we will work on angles, symmetry and giving directions. We will learn about 90 degrees angle and try to find it in the world around us. We will also work on giving directions on the map using North, East, South and West and look at reading grids. When working on symmetry we will try explaining why we think things are symmetrical or not. We will also work on finding lines of symmetry using symmetry mirrors.


This term we will work on preparing the nativity for the whole school. We will learn the songs and the lines for the nativity. We will also work on preparing the stage, the props and the costumes. In class we will discuss the Christmas story and we will talk about advent and the liturgical year.


We will have RADS sessions on Mondays. On Thursdays during our PE lessons we will continue practising our football skills of defending, dribbling, passing and scoring goals.


This term we will focus on nurtured and achieving during our health and wellbeing lessons. We will prepare targets we would like to achieve this term and add evidence and comments on whether we achieved them or if we should continue working on them. As a class we will also talk about the meaning of the word nurtured and the importance of frienships. We will have a look at the ways we should look after our body by choosing healthy food from different food groups.


Just like last term homework will always be shared on Google classroom on Mondays and should be finished by Friday. Homework will always comprise of spelling, phonics sounds, reading book and numeracy activities on Education City.

Information on homework for each child will be shared on Google Classroom.

Weekly learning will be shared at the end of the week on Google Classrooms.