P2 2023-2024

Start of term 2 in P2.

It has been wonderful to have the children back this week, they have come in to school ready to learn.

For the first 4 weeks of term in numeracy lessons, the children are going to be learning to use tens frames, number lines and the column method to add numbers up to 20 (up to 10 for some learners).

During the last 4 weeks of term the class are going to be learning about time. The unit will start with ordering the days of the week and months of the year. The children will also learn to tell the time, to the hour and half past times. The children will learn to tell the time uboth digital and analogue clocks.

The class are going to continue their shape unit one day a week until Christmas. First the children will learn about the properties of 3D shape. The class will then go on to complete and create patterns. The children will also learn to identify lines of symmetry and complete symmetrical pictures.

The children will be learning to write imaginative stories linked to our inventor and inventions IDL. They will be learning to include adjectives in their writing to increase the level of detail in their descriptions.
The children will then start a unit on Personal writing. They will be writing to share their opinions on a piece of art and on their performance in the Nativity play. The children will be learning to explain their opinions during these personal writing lessons.

The children will continue with their reading lessons during the week.

Health and Wellbeing.
In P.E, the children will be learning to develop their skills in hockey. They will learn to hold the stick correctly, travel with the ball, pass to a partner and shoot in a goal. The children will also take part in small group games during these lessons.

The class will also have a block of P.E. lessons focussing on Fitness. The children will work together to complete relay races and will create simple fitness circuits for others to follow.

The continue to have R.A.D.S sessions on Tuesdays.

In Health and wellbeing lessons with Mrs Kelman this term the children will be learning about how they achieve and how they are nurtured.

The children have enjoyed the start of our Inventors and Inventions IDL. They have created posters of inventions which will make a person’s job easier. This term they will design these inventions in greater detail before working in groups to build their inventions. The class will vote on the three top inventions, these inventions will be presented to Mr Sturrock as part of our St Peter’s “Dragon’s Den”.

Our next IDL will be “St. Peter’s arts festival”. The children will learn about the 4 expressive arts elements of Art, Music, Drama and Dance. They will work with the other P1-P3/4 classes to prepare for our Nativity performance. They will also create pieces of art based on the Nativity story. Our class will learn a special “It’s Christmas” song which will be available for parents to watch on Google classroom at the end of the term.
The class are looking forward to creating a special product which will be for sale at the Christmas Fayre.