P6 2023-2024

Welcome to Term 2

Welcome to Term 2, Primary Six! Here are some of the things we will be learning in this busy term.


This term our taught writing will be focusing on biographies, using characterisation in our imaginative writing, and personal writing in the form of diary entries. As usual, these pieces will be linked to our current Contexts for Learning, so that means biographies of inventors, arguments for and against AI, good vs evil imaginary inventors, and personal reflections at Christmas time. We will continue to work on our spelling, grammar and reflective reading strategies.

Maths and Numeracy 

In Term 2 we will be learning about decimals, and then use this learning to move on to the topic of money. This will be useful in the busy month of December when we will be planning for what we will be making and selling at the School Fair.

Contexts for Learning / Interdisciplinary Learning. 

Inventions and inventors: We will be researching inspiring young inventors, creating our own inventions that help people or make the world a better place, and trying some coding! 

St Peter’s Arts Festival: This will be a busy time with lots of rehearsals for the school pantomime. We will also be creating lots of festive art, exploring the symbolism of the festive period. We are going to make homemade Christmas decorations to sell at the School Fair. 

Other Curricular Areas / Specialists

Specialists – On Wednesday, Ms Hamilton, our singing teacher will be helping us to learn our songs for the pantomime. We have Mandarin with Anne on Wednesdays as well as French with Mrs Kelman. RADS will continue on Tuesdays and PE on Thursdays.


Homework will continue to be posted on Google Classroom every Monday. It will include a reading book (assigned on Boost website) and numeracy homework assigned on Education City. Home learning opportunities will sometimes be periodically.  

A slide will be shared on the Google Classroom each Friday to show what we have been learning each week.  I am looking forward to learning with you all this term.