P7 2023-2024

P7 Term 2 News

It has been a busy term for the Primary 7 pupils. Here are some of the highlights:

Halloween disco

We started the term with our annual Autumn disco. It was a great way to start the term, with some very creative costumes and excellent dance moves!

Contexts for learning

Our first context for learning was Inventions and Inventors. We got the opportunity to create our own inventions that could solve an every day problem. We wrote some persuasive writing pieces explaining why we thought our inventions were the best! We invited our parents in to see our great inventions! We also took part of the Dragon’s Den. First, in class, we voted for our top 3 inventions! Then Mrs Bain came to judge and the winner was chosen – The Aqua Janitor! We also had a great Active adventure day linked to this context for learning.

Our next context for learning was St Peter’s Arts festivals. For P7, the main focus was our panto, “A Hint of Snow White”. We have been busy learning lines, creating props, deciding costumes and even learning some dance moves!

Responsible citizens

We helped to raise money for Children in Need! The P7 house captains organised some great events including playground games, wearing something spotty and playing Guess the teacher, asking teachers to send pictures of them as babies and having each class guess who they were! Some were a lot easier than others!

Christmas celebrations

December has been full of Christmas activities. We prepared our Christmas Fayre crafts to sell, make your own Christmas bauble! It was very successful and we had some excellent helpers volunteer on the day! We enjoyed our Christmas lunch and loved the chance to wear our Christmas jumpers! Our annual carol service was a lovely way to get us into the Christmas spirit!

Catholic Education Week

This year’s theme was a Pilgrim of Faith. We learnt about what the word pilgrimage means and how we are all on a journey of faith! We researched saints of our choice and explored their pilgrimage of faith and thought about how we can be inspired by the saints!

Doric books

We are loving our opportunity to work with Jackie and Aaron writing our own book… in Doric! It has been a lot of work, deciding on our ideas, researching, drawing illustrations, gathering photos and the process of writing a book! We are nearly there and can’t wait to show the finished project!

Happy Christmas to all the families of our P7 pupils! Thank you for your on going support!