P3/4 2023-2024

End of term 2 in P3/4

It’s been a very busy term again for P3/4. We have done lots of learning in numeracy and literacy. We also enjoyed taking part in all the preparations for Christmas.


This term we have continued working on our reading and spelling. We use Read Write Inc to develop our literacy skills. During writing lessons we created imaginative stores, instructions,newspaper articles and we were developing our skills of creating writing online and preparing slides.


This term we were learning about fractions. We used fraction a wall to compare fractions. We practised finding haves and quarters of shapes and pictures. We were also using our knowledge of times tables to find halves and quarters of the amounts.

At the end of the term we started learning about symmetry and grid coordinates.

IDL– St Peter’s Arts Festival

For our IDL this term we created Christmas decorations and made cards and calendars for the new year. We also prepared Christmas hats and mats for Christmas lunch at school.

We took part in Christams fayre and prepared products for our stall.

P3 learners took part in rehearsals for the nativity, whereas P4 children were rehearsing for panto. We learned many songs and made all our teachers and parents very proud.

Finally, we learned the words and we practised playing different instruments to record a song for all the families to wish them a very Happy Christmas.


During RE lessons we spoke about Advent and the meaning of the Advent wreath. Everyday we opened one window of our Advent calendar and read a story from the Bible. We spoke about the three kings and the meaning of the gifts they brought for baby Jesus. We also discussed the meaning and the colours of the liturgical year.