P1B 2023-2024

P1B mid-term 3 update.

We continue to learn to read in our groups using the RWI programme. We are exploring letter sounds, Special Friends (sh, th, ch, ng, nk and qu), and full texts.

In writing, we have been writing imaginative, functional and personal pieces, using our learning from RWI.

This term we have been learning about money in our main numeracy topic. We have learned to recognise coins to £2, make amounts using a range of coins, and how to calculate change up to 20p and beyond. We now move onto measure, looking at length, weight and volume. In our secondary topic, we continue to learn about data handling, including tally marks, bar graphs and venn diagrams.

We began this term with “Let’s Celebrate”, learning about Scotland and its traditions, as well as looking at Chinese New Year. We will now move onto “How’s the Weather?”, making the most of outdoor learning.

Using the SHANARRI indicators, we have been focusing on being Respected, Responsible and Included. We have learned about healthy eating and being kind to ourselves using positive affirmations.

Please see below for all our learning activities so far!