P2/3 2023-2024

End of Term 3 – P2/3

As we approach the end of term 3, P2/3 wish you a lovely Easter holiday break. We look forward to the exciting things that will be taking place in Term 4.

In our last learning update, we shared that our next context for learning would be ‘How’s the Weather?’. This has provided some excellent learning experiences for the class and included a weather-themed Science Week! We have also enjoyed a Carnival Active Adventure day, World Book Day, a Seaton Park trip and our class assembly.

  • We set up a class water cycle experiment, predicting and recording the results in our Science Week booklets.
  • We then used what we had learned from this to create water cycles in a bag.
  • We created fake snow using 2 ingredients.
  • We created a rain cloud in a jar, observing what happened as the ‘cloud’ got heavier.

Numeracy and Literacy:

We have been learning to develop our understanding of money. We have looked at the value of coins and notes, using a range of concrete materials to support understanding of this. We have been creating amounts in a range of different ways, adding coins and giving change. Along side this, we have been reading and sorting information into graphs/diagrams. We have linked this to real-life contexts, using Venn diagrams to think about the differences between Summer/Winter and creating bar graphs based on World Book Day book choices.

In Literacy, we have been learning to write diary entries and reports, looking at key features of these, such as bullet points and headings. We have also had literacy opportunities throughout IDL, where we have made weather comparisons between countries

Carnival Active Adventure Day!

P2/3 had lots of fun taking part in a range of indoor and outdoor activities.

Health and Wellbeing:

The learner’s in P2/3 have shown great progression in a range of skills throughout their gymnastics lessons. They have demonstrated a range of point/patch balances and practised jumping/landing safely.

Feeding of the 5000 – Class Assembly

The class showed a range of skills throughout the preparation and performance of their class assembly on the parable ‘Feeding of the 5000’. They worked collaboratively to ensure they were saying their lines at the correct times and to learn words/create actions for their songs. It was great to see many P2/3 families turn up to support this.

P3 Reconciliation

On Thursday 21st March, many of our P3s made their Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession). Well done to them for taking this step in their religious journey!