P7 2024-2025

Welcome to Primary 7

It is lovely to be back after the summer break and P7 have settled into their new class well. Not only have we been busy with our learning but we have also become ‘buddies’ to the new Primary 1s, looking out for them at break and lunch times!

Details Of Our Learning


We have established a new reading routine and appreciate reading for challenge, enjoyment and choice. Writing will be linked to our new context for learning ‘We Are Linguists’ which will offer many opportunities for writing from many genres, including biographies and newspaper reports. We will continue to enjoy reflective reading opportunities along with regular spelling and grammar lessons.


Our current mathematics and numeracy focus is ‘Whole Number.’  Over the coming weeks, we will be looking at the importance of place value,  estimating and rounding and BODMAS. We will also be doing some revision on multiplication and division strategies. 

Health and wellbeing

We are delighted to be working with Mickey from RADS on a weekly basis, focusing on speed and agility.  During our gym lessons this term, we will be learning more about fitness and will be concentrating on improving our hockey and tennis skills. 

Our health and wellbeing lessons this term will be based on the indicators Safe and Healthy, from the SHANARRI wheel.

We took some time to remind ourselves about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We worked together to identify some articles which we consider important to us and to children around the world. We have included these articles in our Class Charter.

Things to Remember:        

Monday – RADS please wear comfortable / sports clothes

Wednesday – PE please wear comfortable clothes / sports clothes

Water bottles and a healthy snack should be brought from home every day

Things to look forward to:

On Thursday 27th of September, we will be hosting a Macmillan coffee morning with our Primary 1 buddies. We hope to raise money for the Macmillan Cancer Support charity. More information will follow.