P5 2024-2025

Welcome to P5 everyone

We are very happy to see learners from P5 back from the holiday and adjusting well to their new class. We started our school year with ‘We Are Linguists ‘ IDL.

During the first week at school learners were busy creating rules for our class, talking about children’s rights and learning their new routines.

Our second week was filled with learning about France, French artists, landmarks and practises of French language in a song and in short conversations.

During the third week we worked hard on literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing assessments.

This term we will continue working on our ‘We are Linguists’ IDL till 19th September 2024 and then move on to ‘Our Future World’ IDL which will last from Sept 24th until Nov 14th.


When working on our IDL we will:

  • research most important facts about Franch
  • create artwork inspired by some of the French artists- Monet, Matisse
  • learn a French song Alouette
  • take part in the whole school Tour de France Sustrans bike activity on Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th August.
  • take part in Active Adventure Day on Friday 6th September (French theme). 
  • prepare a parent open afternoon on Wednesday 18th September at 2.30pm to share French songs, stories & tales and art work
  • take part in the whole school French Day on Thursday 19th September. 
  • create designs of famous French landmarks using recycling
  • research famous French artists and landmarks


We will be learning about numbers. We will try to write and read numbers, order and sequence numbers, round numbers and compare them. We will also practise our times tables and use our knowledge of multiplication when working with two digit numbers.


During reading lessons we will focus on practising our reflective reading skills. We will also read and discuss many books. During writing we will learn about different genres of writing such as: an informal letters, fact files and journalistic writing.


During RE lessons we will talk about the importance of mass and prayers, we will discuss virtues of saints which led them to become a saint. As a class we will reflect on the virtues of Mary together and learn the importance of rosary and how to use rosary for praying. We will also prepare an assembly to share our knowledge about one of the saints with the rest of the school.


Our PE lessons will take place on Mondays- PE sessions, and on Tuesdays- RADS. During PE sessions we will practise tennis skills during the first weeks and then our hockey skills. Please remember your shorts/tracksuits, trainers, t- shirts (no football kits) for PE lessons.


Our homework will include numeracy tasks, reading books, spelling words and phonics sounds. Numeracy homework will be posted every Monday and should be finished by Friday.