P3/4 2024-2025

Term 1 in Primary 3/4

Primary 3/4 have had a super first few weeks of term! We have settled back into the routines of school brilliantly.


This term we be continuing to learn sounds following the Read, Write, Inc programme. We will also be looking at different genres of writing linked with our current context for learning ‘We are Linguists’. The genres we will be focusing on are personal, functional and imaginative.


In numeracy, our focus for this term is number and number processes. We will be learning about place value within a thousand, greater than/less than, missing numbers and number patterns.

Interdisciplinary Learning

Our topic this term is ‘We are Linguists’ where we will be exploring French phrases, landmarks and culture. We have been enjoying model making French landmarks and learning a French song with Primary 7.

Health and Wellbeing

We will be keeping up with our RADS and P.E lessons and taking part in Active Adventure Days. We have already enjoyed our first French Active Adventure Day! This term our health and wellbeing focus is safe and healthy.

We look forward to updating you with our learning soon!

Miss Watson and P3/4