P6 2024-2025

Primary 6

We sure have had a busy and exciting start to the term. Primary 6 have been getting to know their new teacher along with him getting to know his pupils. We spent the first few weeks going over our class charter and classroom ethos to set the expectations and standard within the classroom. We showed off our artistic skills with drawing some self-portraits for our walls and are looking to add more work to our learning walls.



We have settled well into our reading groups and have been working hard through our books, being able to develop essential reading skills. We have also completed our Accelerated reading test to gain our reading age so that we have a reading book for casual reading within our reading age. Once we complete a book, we do a test and then can choose another book. We know the best way to get our reading age up is to be consistent readers, this has become part of our daily routine before starting our lesson.


We have learned about writing letters to our French pen pal Leo inviting him along to our school as we were celebrating France and its culture as part of our IDL. We were writing to him inviting him to come visit the school as we were holding a French day of playing French games and singing French songs. We recently just completed our writing assessment in which we wrote to the school justifying why they should be the one and only chosen pupil from St Peters to go to France with Leo (if he visits St Peters). We also learned how to write a set of instructions for a classmate explaining how to play the game Escargot (which we played on French day). We will be looking at reviews and poetry and learning how to write our own.


We started the term with revision before breaking into our groups and focusing on whole number unit. We looked at place value and rounding before completing our baseline assessment. We get Miss Bennet on a Wednesday who focuses on our problem-solving skills. We get to use our digital skills sometimes within numeracy and have access to Education City and topmarks.co.uk We will be learning how to compare and order numbers before multiplying and dividing whole numbers.


We have enjoyed having our RADS back and love having it first thing on a Monday morning to set our week off. We have been focussing on football within RADS and our PE lessons. We get our PE on a Thursday afternoon and started with some fitness stations before moving onto football in which we’ve focussed on dribbling and passing. We enjoy a fun game at the end of our RADS/PE but understand that it is earned as a reward for good participation and behaviour. We will be continuing with football for the remainder of the term, focusing on improving our passing, dribbling and shooting.


Our focus for our Inter-Disciplinary Learning was the topic of France. We learned all about France, its cities and its culture. We were able to learn a French song to the P3 class and were able to have a visit in from Sustrans Bikes and complete a fun activity in which we were able to cycle / run the distance across French cities in a mini Tour De France. We also learned how to have a basic conversation with a classmate in French and learned different ways to describe ourselves in French. We have recently just completed an art piece from Paul Cezanne and constructed our own Arc de Triomphe. We will be moving on to look at “our future world” and focussing in on coding in our next IDL term, in which we will be creating our own games for classmates to try.


We have been delighted to have Mr Horton back for music on a Friday morning where we get the chance to learn and sing new prayers to God. We have been doing great with our singing and Mr Horton has encouraged as much of us as possible, to join the school choir and Glee when it starts up, as he was amazed as the voices within the class. More information of the clubs will be realised in due course.