
P3/4 News May 2018

P3/4 are learning about their new topic ‘Seas and Oceans’. This subject will give plenty of opportunity to investigate and learn about many things related to living things, climate change, technologies and science. We look forward to sending out details about our school trip shortly. Our weekly taught writing lessons will be based around our topic.


Mrs Jadid continues to teach P3/4 science. This will be topic-related, focusing on sinking and floating and living things.

In Mathematics and Numeracy, we will continue to take advantage of Mental Maths opportunities. We are looking forward to learning about weight and measure outdoors.

Spelling, grammar and phonics lessons continue. Please practise your spelling and reading at home!

Primary 3 have been enjoying swimming lessons at Aberdeen Sports Village. We have been fortunate to have students from RGU teaching P3/4 team games such as tennis, rugby and basketball.

Gentle Reminder

P4 – First Holy Communion, Saturday 2nd June 2018

Please check that your child has a gym kit in school at all times.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Kelman