Active LiteracyP1 B 2018P1 R 2018Uncategorized

P1 class news

Everyone in P1 has settled in very well and they have been learning lots, both inside and outside the classroom.


In numeracy, we are busy learning all about numbers to 10; ordering, sequencing, forming numbers and counting. We also had great fun doing maths in the playground during maths week. This week we have been learning to continue and create patterns.

In literacy, we have been learning to write our name in lower case letters using sand and play dough. We have been learning to identify words which rhyme and have also been learning about syllables. We have been learning the phonics sounds a, s, t and p. We will be learning the sounds i and n before the October holidays. We will spend lots of time learning to form the letters correctly and identify objects which start with each sound. Some of us have been learning to write the words “sat”, “pat” and “tap” using the letters.

We have also been enjoying our P.E lessons, both with Mrs. Armstrong and with our teachers, and we have been learning how our body can move in lots of different ways.

Every Wednesday we learn outside in the garden, we have lots of fun land loved it last week when Ms Carrion helped us with a loose parts obstacle course.

Our topic this term is Our Caring World, we have been learning about people who help us in school and the wider community such as doctors, dentists and the police. We have a role play hospital in our class where the children can pretend to be doctors and nurses. We had a visit from the dentist last week where she showed us how to look after our teeth properly.

As part of our Caring World topic, we worked with our P7 buddies to host a coffee morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer Care. We had lots of fun baking and enjoyed eating our cakes with our parents. A big thank you to everyone who came and supported the coffee morning. We raised an amazing £210 for MacMillan.