Active LiteracyNumeracyP3/4 2018

P3/4 Term 1

Primary 3/4 welcomes you to their page. Some pupils have taken the time to share their learning with you.


We enjoyed an author’s live event with Cressida Cowell who introduced us to “Free Write Fridays”. We have enjoyed the freedom to write what we like and be as creative as we like. We have been exploring ‘How to Train your Dragon’ when focusing on our reading strategies, especially Metalinguistics. We had a go at creating our own alliteration sentences, just like Cressida.


We have done addition, maths boggle, number of the day. My favourite one was addition, I liked adding numbers together in my jotter.
By Ammar


We made volcanoes and we did a chemical reaction with them. We used baking soda, food colouring, water, washing up liquid and vinegar. We learned how volcanoes get bigger.
By Ammar

Health and Wellbeing

We have been exploring SAFE and INCLUDED from the SHANARRI wheel. We explored hazards in the home and were class inspectors looking for any hazards in the classroom and how we can make sure these are made safe. We also thought about how we can make sure everyone feels included in the classroom and their learning, thinking about the variety of learning needs.

We have been discussing our emotions while playing the emotion game and have been doing emotional check ins using the “which blob do you feel like today” chart.

Three of us have already won a RADS award in football for our effort in teamwork and improving our football control skills.


We learned about our community and about ourselves and keeping our class safe. We have been learning from “Buddy” how to be more like him and how to think of others and be kind.
By Mati & Nicole


We learned about different types of stories called parables. These stories were told by Jesus: Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son. Jesus can teach us how to be a good person through stories.
By Ammar


We learned colours in French and how to play “Désolé au revoir”.
By Nicole