P6 2018Uncategorized

Our First Term in Primary 6

Primary 6 have been very busy this term and have shown so much enthusiasm in their learning.


Our topic, ‘Natural Disasters’, is exploring how people and communities respond to disasters around the world.

On Wednesday 26th September, we had our first school trip together at Aberdeen Science Centre.  Primary 6 participated in the Disaster Relief workshop where they had to work together to construct a bridge (from K’NEX) which had been destroyed by flooding.


We have had a visit from Mark Booker from the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF).  Mark has given us £50 ‘to grow’ as part of a Talented Fundraiser Enterprise Project. SCIAF will decide how to use the money we raise and often funds do support those who have been affected by natural disasters.


Our literacy this term relates to our topic through our spelling words, reading comprehension tasks and writing.     

In writing, we have been reading, following and writing instructions.  Primary 6 did well to read and follow instructions for how to create and erupt a volcano which they managed to do in teams.


In Maths, Primary 6 have been exploring numbers to a million.  This includes estimation and rounding, ordering numbers to a million and multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.  We have also been using our Maths skills to plan our SCIAF enterprise project and our Porridge Smiles Party. We are looking forward to holding our Porridge Smiles Party after the October holidays.

Health and Wellbeing

Primary 6 have been brilliant with getting themselves organised for swimming each week and have demonstrated how responsible they are on our weekly walk to and from the Aberdeen Sports Village.  Also a massive thank you to all our helpers who have accompanied us over the weeks.

Finally, primary 6 have been working really hard on their group work skills, an important lifelong social skill.  Well done everyone!