Active LiteracyP1 B 2018P1 R 2018

P1 News

Primary 1 have settled in to school very well after the holidays and have been learning lots.

This term we have been learning all about time. We started the year by learning about the story “The very hungry caterpillar”. We used the story to help us to learn the days of the week. We also learned about the seasons and made wonderful season calendars!
We have loved learning about clocks and we even made our own! We have been using our clocks to help us to tell the time using o’clock and half past.

We will be moving on to continue learning to add and subtract numbers.

In January we have been learning the sounds j, w, h and v. We have had lots of fun exploring the sounds in lots of different ways.

We will be moving on to learn the sounds y, z, q(u) and x. We will then have learned all the sounds in the alphabet!
In our phonics lessons, we enjoy using the sounds that we have learned to spell three letter words. We love writing the words in the sand or playing spelling bingo games.

We are continuing to learn about rhyming, especially learning to generate our own rhyming words. This is something that you can do at home (e.g. Can you think of a word that rhymes with cat?).

This term our project is “Scotland now and then”. Through our project lessons so far we have been learning about where Scotland is in the world and where some of the cities in Scotland are.

This week we are learning about features of Aberdeen before we zoom in on our local area and start to focus our learning on Old Aberdeen. Through the project we will be looking at features of modern streets and houses and comparing them to the features that we see in some of the streets and houses around Old Aberdeen. We will also be learning about how people did shopping in the past compared to now. We will be thinking about our favourite toys and how they differ to the favourite toys of our parents and grandparents when they were growing up.

We will be going on lots of walks round Old Aberdeen during the project. We will be sending letters home to let you know of the dates of these walks and we would welcome any help from family members on these walks.

In P.E. lessons, we have been learning to Ceilidh dance. We have also been learning a Scottish poem (Wee Willie Winkie). We were very proud to share our learning with parents in the Scottish Assembly.

We enjoyed making thistles and tartan in art lessons this week. We learned that they are both very important symbols of Scotland.

This is our Faith.
We are learning about some of the miracles that Jesus performed. Last week we learned about the miracle of the Wedding at Cana and this week the children are learning about the miracle of the feeding of the 5000.