P3/4 2023-2024

Happy Holidays Everyone

End of term 4 in P3/4

Term 4 in P3/4 has been full of adventures. We enjoyed working on ‘ We are the Champions’ and taking part in many outdoor activities.

We took part in St Peter’s sports day.

We enjoyed Potted Sports day at school.

We created mascots and added mottos to motivate all the learners to do their best during various sport activities.

During writing lessons we wrote instructions to games invented by us and invitations to our school’s sports day. We also worked on skills booklets where we described how we achieved different skills this term.

As a class we prepared for Olympics assembly to which all the carers and all the parents were invited. During the assembly we were representing Poland so we learned a song in Polish and the steps to a Polish dance called Polonez. We also researched and learned some interesting facts about Poland.

We learned about and participated in different sports at school such as hockey and rugby.

Finally, we enjoyed a trip to Macduff Marine Aquarium. We learned a lot about marine animals, sea pollution and we were also able to touch some of the animals.

We wish everone happy, healthy and safe summer holidays. See you in August!