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P3 Happy New Year

Happy New Year from Primary 3!

We have got straight back into our learning and have been very busy! We enjoyed getting into our new co-operative teams and getting to know our new team mates.

(Adrian) – “This term I am finding I work well with my team mates”.

Literacy –
We will be exploring opinions in both reading and writing, in how an author shows their opinion and how we can share ours in our writing. We will continue to have opportunities to share our opinions in listening and talking especially through the discussion of picture news and Philosophy discussions.

Maths –
We have been reminding ourselves of how numbers are made up of hundreds, tens and units and have now moved on to directions. We will be working on reading and creating our own directions. In mental maths we looked at rounding up and down to the nearest 10 and 100. We will continue to practise our 2x and 4x tables as well as multiplying by 10x and 100x and how we can use these to solve problems.

R.E –
Most of us have started working towards the sacrament of Reconciliation; so far we have reminded ourselves of God’s Love for Creation by looking back at our work in October including our work on St. Francis of Assisi. We also thought back to our Baptism and how this was the start of our journey through the sacraments. We now know at least 3 of the 7 sacraments but many of us can tell you all 7! Many of us have been doing a super job at linking our learning to other areas of the curriculum and past work – well done Primary 3 for being so engaged! 

Science –
We heard that God makes us fully alive during our Reconciliation work and we thought about what it means to be alive. So we decided in science to look at what living and non-living things are and how we can tell the difference. We enjoyed linking our learning and went on to look at the meaning of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. 

Philosophy – 
To practise our listening and talking as well as build up our own opinions and recognising others’ opinions, we took part in an ethical discussion on being kind and the words we use, especially the phrase “thank you”. Many of us thought we should only say “thank you” sometimes but that saying “no thank you” was a good alternative, We touched on safety issues through this such as “stranger danger”, We decided to have this discussion after an article in the picture news asked us whether it was right to say what we like when we like. We enjoyed thinking deeply, taking turns with our talking tokens, hearing different point of views and many of us used words like “I agree with….” or “I disagree with…” – Well done!

Health and Wellbeing –
P.E – With Mrs. Armstrong we have been practising our Scottish Dancing in keeping with our Scottish Stories topic. We remembered many of our moves from last year and worked well with a variety of partners. With Miss Bennett we have been working on our flexibility, balance and core strength by putting ourselves in  a variety of shapes (linking with last term’s maths), balances and thinking of ways to link our movements, working independently and as part of a team. 

Social Wellbeing  – Rights Respecting School – We have been thinking as a class what is done at St. Peter’s school to ensure pupils are listened to. Many of us have been linking our learning from these lessons to Article 12 when we recognise we have been asked for our opinion or thoughts.
We have also been using the Think U Know website as a tool to get us thinking about and to guide us through our understanding of using the internet safely. So far we have looked at the sharing of personal information and who you can trust online. We have enjoyed getting to know Ranjeet and Hector and thinking of ways we could help Ranjeet make better choices.

(Antoinette) – “I like this term because I’m having fun with my learning and with my friends”.

Topic – 
We have started looking at the Scottish Stories of the Loch Ness Monster and Greyfriars Bobby. We have used maps to locate Inverness and Edinburgh as well as Aberdeen. We have used our Reflective Reading strategies to think of the stories and also imagined Nessie came to our school one day! We were very imaginative in the day Nessie visited our class and look forward to learning about the Kelpies and answering many of our questions. Together we looked at what we would like to learn during this topic. We know that any questions we do not get answered in class, we can add to our “wonder wall”.

(Marcelina) – “I really like learning about Greyfriars Bobby because he was a good police dog because he was looking after his owner and going out with his owner on his beat, and he was fluffy.”