P4 2020-2021Uncategorized

A vegetable garden in P4.

Growing a vegetable garden is a lot of fun. We are all very eager to look after our plants. We are growing lettuces, radishes, beans, peas, cress and a watermelon. We love watching how the plants change all the time and can’t wait to hopefully taste them.

We take turns to water and measure the plants daily. Our Plant Monitors are responsible for taking notes of how often we water our garden, for measuring how tall our plants are, and for calculating the difference in their height daily. It is amazing to see how quickly changes happen and how beautifully our vegetables grow. We must be really good gardeners šŸ™‚

Taking care of the garden inspired us to talk about all the things that plants need in order to grow, which in turn was a nice introduction to our topic Laudato Si CareĀ of our common home. Laudato Si is an encyclical letter written by Pope Francis to Catholic churches worldwide. It is sent directly from our Holy Father in Rome to Catholics all over the world. In his letter the Pope urges us to take action and help each other and our planet. You can find out more about it here.